Thursday, June 26, 2014

Luis Suárez Banned for Four Months for Biting in World Cup Game

In an unprecedented move Fifa has banned Uruguay’s Luis Suárez from all “football-related activities” for four months for biting Italy’s Giorgio Chiellini, ruling the striker out of the rest of the World Cup and the start of the domestic season.
The Liverpool player will not be able to play or train for his club or country for four months after Fifa’s disciplinary committee handed down the hefty sanction, which is sure to provoke dismay from Uruguay and Anfield.
The biting incident, the third in which Suárez has been involved in his career, has also led Fifa’s disciplinary committee to ban the player from entering any football stadium during the ban.
Suárez has also been banned for nine competitive international matches, beginning with Uruguay’s last-16 game with Colombia on Saturday, and fined £66,000.
However, Fifa clarified that Suarez’s ban from all “administrative” tasks related to football did not block any possible transfer from Liverpool during the period.

“Such behaviour cannot be tolerated on any football pitch, and in particular not at a World Cup when the eyes of millions of people are on the stars on the field,” said Claudio Sulser, the chair of the disciplinary committee, which met late into the night in Rio de Janiero.

“The disciplinary committee took into account all the factors of the case and the degree of Mr Suárez’s guilt in accordance with the relevant provisions of the code. The decision comes into force as soon it is communicated.”
Italy's Giorgio Chiellini, left, shows an apparent bitemark, as Uruguay's Luis Suárez holds his teeth.
Italy's Giorgio Chiellini, left, shows an apparent bitemark, as Uruguay's Luis Suárez holds his teeth. Photographs: Daniel Garcia/AFP/Getty Images

The ban means that Suárez, whom Brendan Rodgers hailed as a reformed character last season as he won both footballer of the year prizes, will miss nine Premier League matches and three Champions League games.

Although Uruguay can appeal the decision, it will not stop Suárez being banned from Saturday’s match because under article 124 of the Fifa disciplinary code it does not have a “suspensive effect”.

Before Fifa announced their judgment, the Uruguayan FA and even the country’s president had weighed into the issue in support of Suárez.

They claimed that Suárez was the target of a conspiracy among the Italians, the English media and the Brazilian hosts to make more of the incident than it warranted.

“You shouldn’t forget that we’re rivals of many and we can be for the hosts [Brazil] in the future. This does not go against what might have happened but there’s no doubt that Suárez is a stone in the shoe for many,” said his lawyer Alejandro Balbi.

Television pictures of the incident seemed clear. The ban – added to previous penalties for racially abusing Manchester United’s Patrice Evra and for biting Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic, mean that Suárez will have been suspended for 34 matches since 2010 without receiving a red card on the pitch.

Liverpool’s chief executive Ian Ayre said: “Liverpool will wait until we have seen and had time to review the Fifa disciplinary committee report before making any further comment.”
Britain’s Fifa vice-president Jim Boyce, from Northern Ireland said the sanction was fully deserved. “I think the punishment handed out by Fifa to Luis Suárez is fully justified,” he said. “Hopefully he will realise now that behaviour of this type will not be tolerated under any circumstances.’

Culled from The Guardian
By Owen Gibson in Rio de Janeiro

GM Chief Executive Mary Barra: ‘We Failed Our Customers’

GM Chief Executive Mary Barra: ‘We failed our customers’
By Matt Wilson | Posted: June 26, 2014

Hours after news broke that General Motors has halted sales of its 2013-2014 Chevrolet Cruze models over possibly defective air bags, the company’s CEO, Mary Barra, sat down with the “Today” show’s Matt Lauer to talk about the millions of cars GM has recalled this year.

Many of the recalled vehicles had faulty ignition switches, which have been linked to 13 deaths and 54 crashes, though reports state they’re likely to have caused many more than that.

“Clearly this issue took too long to find,” she told Lauer. “In this case, we failed our customers. We failed them with these vehicles.”

She said she didn’t believe there was a cover-up of the potential dangers in the cars’ faulty ignitions. Rather, she said information was in silos within the company and employees failed to come forward with the information they had.

“The problem with this is that people didn't understand the safety aspects of it,” Barra said.

If GM recalls the Cruze, it would be the company’s 45th recall of the year so far.

This month, GM fired 15 employees over the ignition problem. Barra didn't rule out any additional recalls, saying, “We’re going to take the action that we need.” However, she said the firings are over.

“The investigation that was done independently was exhaustive,” she said. “It went to all areas. There were people in five different functions, across all levels of the company. Associated with this situation, we’ve addressed the issue.”

In response to a question about whether criminal charges could be brought over the ignition problems, Barra said, “That’s for the courts to decide.”

Culled from PR Daily News

Brand Humour

Snickers tells Suarez it's 'more satisfying than Italian'

As brands galore jump on the back of the Luis Suarez "Bitegate", Snickers has employed its own personal brand of humour to piggyback on the incident.
Snickers jumps on the back of Luis Suarez's biting incident during the Uruguay v Italy game
Snickers jumps on the back of Luis Suarez's biting incident during the Uruguay v Italy game

The brand, known for its "You’re not you when you’re hungry" ad campaign, simply tweeted an image of a bitten-into Snickers bar, with the text: "More satisfying than Italian".
The flurry of activity came as Liverpool’s striker Suarez allegedly bit Giorgio Chiellini during last night’s World Cup game between his national team Uruguay and Italy.
Brand: Snickers
View image on Twitter

Hey @luis16suarez. Next time you're hungry just grab a Snickers.

5 Tips to Get Yourself Noticed as a Job Seeker

I just couldn't resist this write-up when I saw it while surfing the net. That's what I've been trying for so long to pass on to people. I hope this changes your attitude Enjoy!

5 Tips to Get Yourself Noticed as a Job Seeker
Posted on June 25, 2014 by

Every job seeker knows they need to get noticed by employers, but the most important thing they want to understand is how.

Being a job seeker in today’s workforce is a challenge. There isn't a one-size-fits-all solution to help job seekers land a job. In fact, if you want to be a standout job seeker, you have to go above and beyond to land on the radar of employers.

Many job seekers today wonder why they must work so hard to find a job they love. After all, shouldn't landing a job be easy? Unfortunately, when employers hire new employees, they want candidates with the strongest talent and most experience. Employers believe this is a guaranteed way to improve the success of their company.

Here are some tips for job seekers looking to stand out during their job search:

1. Show how you’re a service to your industry.

Every job seeker knows they need to market their expertise in order to get noticed by employers; however, the key to getting noticed is showing how you’re a service to your industry.

Job seekers who consistently market themselves, look for opportunities, and show their dedication to their industry are the ones who land jobs. Employers want to see how you’re putting in the effort to make a contribution to your given industry and how you can make an impact within their organization.

2. Market yourself for the future of your industry.

Employers are all about having a competitive advantage in the marketplace. As you apply for jobs, show employers how your skills and experience make you a trendsetter for their industry.

During your job search, ask for advice from colleagues, mentors, and professionals for their opinions on the future of your industry. Their insight will help you figure out what skills and experience you need in order to follow those trends. Once you know the future of your industry, you’ll be better at predicting future trends, which is an appealing quality to employers.

3. Understand the position of the employer you’re targeting.

When researching employers and job opening, make sure you know the position of each company. Read through their mission statement and company values. Take a look at their culture and what employees say on Glassdoor (or any other company review site- my own input) about working there. This information will give you a better idea of who the company is and how you can market yourself to fit their mold.

4. Know how to apply your skills to new roles.

Employers like hiring employees who are Jacks or Janes of all trades. If you’re applying for a job outside of your industry, use examples from your experience that show employers how your skills are versatile. Job seekers who can transition from different roles are sought after candidates because it makes the training process easier for employers and can contribute more to the organization.

5. Pay attention to the feedback others give you.

Whether it’s advice you receive from a colleague or getting turned down by an employer, use this feedback as a way to improve your image as a professional. Positive and negative feedback is critical to professional development and will make you a better individual. Especially when searching for jobs, receiving feedback on your job search tactics, resume, or cover letter can help you get ahead in your job search, too.

As you continue to search for jobs, remember to never give up. So many job seekers get close to success and eventually give up just before they land a job. We all know jobs aren't easy to come by, but if you remain persistent, network with the right people, and highlight your best qualities, you’ll land a job before you know it.

Are you a job seeker who is trying to stand out? What are you doing to get yourself noticed by employers?

Author Bio

Heather Huhman writes for
Culled from Personal Branding Blog

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Excerpts from the High Impact A2 Festival


Lira and her crew arrive the UAE for the High Impact A2 Festival.

Lira about to check-in at Meydan Hotel, Dubai.

Mr. Vegas and son at Meydan Hotel, Dubai for the High Impact A2 Festival.